来源: 编辑: 日期:2015-01-19 浏览方式:  浏览次数:1963
  T 1
  Which of the following activities do you think is the most beneficial for a child’s growth? Doing team sports, talking with others or traveling?
  T 2
  Some people prefer to statement their opinions publicly, others prefer to only share their thoughts with close friends and families. Which do you prefer?
  The university is planning to send email addresses and phone numbers of new roommates to freshman.
  The woman agrees with it.
  First, she thinks it’s less stressful and it’s good to know new roommates in advance.
  Second, she thinks it’s beneficial to plan out to save extra space. Earlier communication will avoid bringing the same appliances.
  The reading talks about social responsibility for enterprises to take to save our planet.
  The professor gives an example of coffee shop. First, the coffee shop practices protecting environment by recycling paper cups. Second, the coffee shop encourages it’s customers to bring their own cups to get some discount. Therefore, the coffee shop becomes the most popular café in the town.
  The man’s problem is he didn't get a clear print of his paper due to the breakdown of the printing machine.
  There are two possible solutions.
  First, he could print another copy back at dorm because he saved this file in the computer, but he would miss to attend a discussion.
  Second, he could ask for an extension, but he’s concerned that the professor would think he’s not serious about the paper.
  The professor talks about two benefits of wildfire for animal surviving.
  The first is to create a new place for animals and their offspring. When the trees are burnt hallow, birds can build nests there.
  The second is to replace old vegetation by new one. New leaves are much tender and it’s easy for deer to digest.
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