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来源: 编辑: 日期:2011-01-21 浏览方式:  浏览次数:4466





试卷共由4部分组成: 阅读理解、听力理解、写作和口语,考试时间为190分钟。考试成绩按这四部分内容分别评分。测试水平根据考试成绩分3个级别(Test DAF-Niveaustufe简称为TDN)TDN3TDN4TDN5,其中TDN5为最高级别。凡在试题中听、说、读、写4项均达5级者可直接入学; 4项中有两项达5级两项达4级,学校可根据考生情况酌情考虑。







What is DAF?

DAF is the German Language Testing for international students who applying for studying in German. It is an international standard test program set by DAF Institute subordinated to Development Association of the German Academic Examinations. Applicants can enter for DAF before submitting the college entrance application material. The corresponding language certificate and the application material are sent to German universities, which is the avoidance of failure to go to college without passing DSH. It is a test proposed and scored by DAF Institute with unlimited times of examination. The DAF certificate is acknowledged by public colleges in all states of German.


How many parts of DAF test paper?

The test paper is composed by four parts: Reading comprehensionlistening comprehensionWriting and Oral test. The duration of the test is 190 minutes. The score is graded to three levels (Test DAF-Niveaustufe, TDN for short) by records of four parts: TND3TND4TND5 (the highest level). Those who get level 5 in every part can enter college directly; those who get level 5 in two parts and level 4 of the rest also likely to enter college.


What qualifications are required for examinees?

There is no strict restriction to examinees as long as they have the basic knowledge of German and want to get an acknowledgement of their German level. Examinees had best learn German for at least 800 class hours before examining themselves into the test according to the difficulty level of DAF.


How much is the exam fee?

The exam fee is 1335 Yuan.


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